Renderer Referenz
Doxey stellt eine Reihe von Renderern zur Verfügung, die Ihnen helfen Ihre Daten auf entsprechende Weise zu formatieren.
In den folgenden Abschnitten werden alle verfügbaren Formatierungsoptionen angezeigt.
If the variable contains text, you can apply different formatting options:
Break into multiple lines If no delimiter is specified the text will be wrapped whenever a newline character occurs. Using the character sequence space as delimiter will replace newlines with spaces. |
Characters |
UPPERCASE Prints the contents of a variable in uppercase letters |
lowercase Prints the contents of a variable in lowercase letters |
Titlecase Prints the first letter in uppercase (e.g. first will become First) |
CamelCase Prints the contents of a variable in camelcase (e.g. FIRST_LAST will become FirstLast) |
Maximum length Cuts off the contents of a variable after the specified number of characters |
Number (0-99999) |
Ellipsis Prints the specified character sequence if the text has been cut off. |
Characters |
Prepend characters Prepends the given characters, but only if the variable is set |
Characters |
Append characters Appends the given characters, but only if the variable is set |
Characters |
Insert linebreak Adds a newline before or after the text, but only if the variable is set |
Encode Encode the value if you want to use it in an URL or an other context that requires encoding |
Decode If you are dealing with an encoded value you can decode it by picking the correct encoding |
From Use this option if you want to print a substring starting from the given character index. |
Number (0-999) |
From first Creates a substring starting from the first appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
From after first Creates a substring starting after the first appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
From last Creates a substring starting from the last appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
From after last Creates a substring starting after the last appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
To Use this option if you want to print a substring up to the given character index. |
Number (0-999) |
To first Creates a substring ending before the first appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
To after first Creates a substring ending after the first appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
To last Creates a substring ending before the last appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
To after last Creates a substring ending after the last appearance of the given character(s) |
Characters |
Equals Returns |
Characters |
Starts with Returns |
Characters |
Ends with Returns |
Characters |
Contains Returns |
Characters |
Replace Replaces the given character sequence with the value from the |
Characters |
With Replaces the character sequence from the |
Characters |
Beispiele für den string-
Renderer, um die Variable fullName
mit dem Wert Daniel
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Beispiele für den string-
Renderer, um die Variable description
mit dem Wert Note: This is a description that may contain a very long text
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a boolean value (true or false), you can render it using symbols like checkboxes
Symbol Select the symbol to be used to display if the given value is true or false |
True text Specify the text to be printed if the give value is true |
Characters |
False text Specify the text to be printed if the give value is false |
Characters |
Beispiele für den boolean-
Renderer, um die Variable tosAccepted
mit dem Wert true
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Beispiele für den boolean-
Renderer, um die Variable male
mit dem Wert false
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a number, you can parse and format it using locale specific patterns:
Output pattern Specifies the output number format. Use |
Characters |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input pattern Specifies the input number format. Use |
Characters |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Add Add parameter value to the given number |
Number |
Subtract Subtract parameter value from the given number |
Number |
Multiply Multiply given number by the parameter value |
Number |
Divide Divide given number by the parameter value |
Number |
Equals Returns |
Number |
Greater than Returns |
Number |
Greater than or equals Returns |
Number |
Less than Returns |
Number |
Less than or equal Returns |
Number |
Beispiele für den number-
Renderer, um die Variable result
mit dem Wert 1234567890.12345
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Beispiele für den number-
Renderer, um die Variable value
mit dem Wert 10
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a number, you can parse and format it as a currency:
Output pattern Specifies the output currency code. Use |
Characters |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input pattern Specifies the pattern to convert a given string into a number. The pattern is locale sensitive and will parse the given string using the input language and country if they are available |
Characters |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Add Add parameter value to the given number |
Number |
Subtract Subtract parameter value from the given number |
Number |
Multiply Multiply given number by the parameter value |
Number |
Divide Divide given number by the parameter value |
Number |
Equals Returns |
Number |
Greater than Returns |
Number |
Greater than or equals Returns |
Number |
Less than Returns |
Number |
Less than or equal Returns |
Number |
Beispiele für den currency-
Renderer, um die Variable amount
mit dem Wert 1234567890.12345
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a date, you can parse and format it using locale specific patterns:
Output pattern Specifies the output date format. Use |
Characters |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Output timezone Specifies the output timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Input pattern Specifies the input date format. Use |
Characters |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input timezone Specifies the input timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Add days Specify the number of days to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-365) |
Add weeks Specify the number of weeks to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-56) |
Add months Specify the number of months to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-12) |
Add years Specify the number of years to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-999) |
Set day Sets the day to the given day in month |
Number (1-31) |
Set month Sets the month of the date |
Number (1-12) |
Set year Sets the year of the date |
Number (-9999-9999) |
Equals Returns |
Date |
Before Returns |
Date |
After Returns |
Date |
Beispiele für den date-
Renderer, um die Variable appointment
mit dem Wert 2016/04/16
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a timestamp, you can parse and format it as a time using locale specific patterns:
Output pattern Specifies the output date format. Use |
Characters |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Output timezone Specifies the output timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Input pattern Specifies the input date format. Use |
Characters |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input timezone Specifies the input timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Add minutes Specify the number of minutes to be added to or substracted from the given time |
Number (1-9999) |
Add hours Specify the number of hours to be added to or substracted from the given time |
Number (1-9999) |
Equals Returns |
Characters |
Before Returns |
Characters |
After Returns |
Characters |
Beispiele für den time-
Renderer, um die Variable now
mit dem Wert 2:23:12 PM
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Date and time
If the variable contains a timestamp, you can parse and format it as date and time using locale specific patterns:
Output pattern Specifies the output date format. Use |
Characters |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Output timezone Specifies the output timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Input pattern Specifies the input date format. Use |
Characters |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input timezone Specifies the input timezone |
Specifies the output timezone, either an abbreviation such as |
Add minutes Specify the number of minutes to be added to or substracted from the given time |
Number (1-9999) |
Add hours Specify the number of hours to be added to or substracted from the given time |
Number (1-9999) |
Add days Specify the number of days to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-365) |
Add weeks Specify the number of weeks to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-56) |
Add months Specify the number of months to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-12) |
Add years Specify the number of years to be added to or substracted from the given date |
Number (1-999) |
Equals Returns |
Characters |
Before Returns |
Characters |
After Returns |
Characters |
Beispiele für den datetime-
Renderer, um die Variable now
mit dem Wert 4/16/13 2:26:48 PM
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a locale, country or language, you can parse and format it using locale specific patterns:
Output pattern Specifies which parts of the locale to be rendered and in which format |
Output locale Specifies the output language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Input pattern Specifies how to parse the given variable content |
Input locale Specifies the input language and region |
Specify language as two lowercase letters, e.g. |
Beispiele für den locale-
Renderer, um die Variable lang
mit dem Wert en-US
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Beispiele für den locale-
Renderer, um die Variable country
mit dem Wert France
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
If the variable contains a URL, you can render it as a clickable link:
Displayed text Specifies the text that will be displayed in the generated document instead of the URL. If not set, the URL will be displayed as text |
Characters |
Target frame When rendering HTML output you can specify the target frame of the link. Use |
Characters |
Link color Specify the link color when rendering HTML output |
Text decoration Specify the text decoration when rendering HTML output |
If the variable contains an email address, you can render it as a clickable link:
Displayed text Specifies the text that will be displayed in the generated document. If not set, the email will be displayed as text |
Characters |
Subject Enter the subject if you want to prepopulate the subject field |
Characters |
Body Enter the body if you want to prepopulate the body field |
Characters |
Link color Specify the link color when rendering HTML output |
Text decoration Specify the text decoration when rendering HTML output |
If the variable contains a URL pointing to an image, you can render it as an image
Width Specifies the width of the image in cm, pt etc. |
Characters |
Height Specifies the height of the image in cm, pt etc. |
Characters |
Aspect ratio Use this option to maintain the aspect ratio of the original image |
Resize Resizes the image to reduce the resulting document size |
Characters |
Border radius When generating HTML output, this option allows you to generate rounded borders |
Characters |
Color mode When generating PDF document this option converts the image to a greyscale, monochromatic or watermark image |
Mirror image When generating PDF document this option mirrors the image vertically, horizontally along both axis |
Luminance When generating PDF document this option adjusts the luminance of image |
Percent (0-100) |
Contrast When generating PDF document this option adjusts the contrast of image |
Percent (0-100) |
Image opacity 0% = image is totally transparent, 100% image is opaque |
Percent (0-100) |
Gamma correction When generating PDF document this option applies gamma correction to the image |
Percent (0-100) |
Red channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the red channel |
Percent (0-100) |
Blue channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the blue channel |
Percent (0-100) |
Green channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the green channel |
Percent (0-100) |
If the variable contains a postal address, you can render it as a map
Map type Select the type of map that will be rendered |
Zoom level Specified the zoom level. 0 will show the whole planet, 21 is the highest zoom level |
Resolution Specifies the resolution of the generated image in px |
Characters |
Marker Add a marker to the map with additional options (color:
Characters |
Width Specifies the width of the image in cm, pt etc. |
Characters |
Height Specifies the height of the image in cm, pt etc. |
Characters |
Aspect ratio Use this option to maintain the aspect ratio of the original map |
Resize Resizes the image to reduce the resulting document size |
Characters |
Border radius When generating HTML output, this option allows you to generate rounded borders |
Characters |
Color mode When generating PDF document this option converts the image to a greyscale, monochromatic or watermark image |
Mirror image When generating PDF document this option mirrors the image vertically, horizontally along both axis |
Luminance When generating PDF document this option adjusts the luminance of image |
Percent (0-100) |
Contrast When generating PDF document this option adjusts the contrast of image |
Percent (0-100) |
Image opacity 0% = image is totally transparent, 100% image is opaque |
Percent (0-100) |
Gamma correction When generating PDF document this option applies gamma correction to the image |
Percent (0-100) |
Red channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the red channel |
Percent (0-100) |
Blue channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the blue channel |
Percent (0-100) |
Green channel When generating PDF document this option adjusts the green channel |
Percent (0-100) |
If the variable contains a form definition, you can render it as a form
Action URL Enter a fixed URL or a variable prefixed with a dollar sign (without curly braces) |
Characters |
Legend Enter an optional header for your form |
Characters |
Method Select the desired method to send your form data |
Buttons Add text for submit buttons, separated by comma. First button will be blue, UPPERCASE buttons will be red, others default. The selected button will be available in the |
Characters |
Layout Horizontal will put the labels on the left of the input fields, vertcial will put them on top |
Font family Specify the desired font to be used when rendering the form |
Characters |
If the variable contains an object, you can render it as JSON or XML
Input Format Select if your object comes in XML, JSON format or as an Object |
Output Format Specify if you want to render your objeect in XML or JSON format. |
If the variable contains binary content like generated documents etc. you can render it as a string, base64 or as a hashcode
Input Format Specify if your binary content comes as bytes, string or base64 encoded |
Input Character Set If your content comes as a string you can specify the character set |
Characters |
Output Format Specify if you want to render your binary content as String, Base64 or as a Hashcode |
Output Character Set Specify the character set if you want to render your binary content as a string |
Characters |
If you are rendering HTML output and the variable contains an URL you can render share buttons for social networks
Platform Select the social network to share the URL |
URL By default the URL will be takes from the variable to be rendered. If you want to share a different URL, you can pass it as url parameter. |
Characters |
Title You can specify the title of the post |
Characters |
Target Specify the target frame for your link |
Characters |
Hashtag If you create a share button for Twitter you can specify the hashtag |
Characters |
Width The width of the generated image |
Characters |
Padding The padding of the generated image |
Characters |
If the variable contains HTML code, you modify or extract values from it
Fragment Add this option if your variable only contains an HTML snippet |
Inline Styles Add this option if you want to inline the styles |
Remove Styles Add this option if you want to remove the styles defined in your HTML page |
Select Select elements by entering a CSS like selector syntax. Separate by comma if you want to select multiple elements |
Characters |
Retrieve Sepcify the format for the retrieved result. Separate by comma if you are selecting multiple elements |
Remove attributes Specify the attributes to be removed from the selected elements |
Characters |
Remove tags Specify the tags to be removed from the selected elements |
Characters |
Convert If your HTML comes from a Google Doc you can convert it into a different format |
If the variable contains color value, you can manipulate the color in many ways
Saturation Set the saturations of the color |
Percent (0-100) |
Adjust saturation Increase or decrease the saturations of the color |
Number (-100-100) |
Lightness Sets the lightness of the color |
Percent (0-100) |
Adjust lightness Increase or decrease the lightness of the color |
Number (-100-100) |
Hue Sets the hue of the color |
Number (0-360) |
Adjust hue Increase or decrease the hue of the color |
Number (0-360) |
Palette Derive a color from the given color (e.g. the complementary color) |
Output Format Specify if you want to render the color in RGB or RGBA format. |
Beispiele für den color-
Renderer, um die Variable brandColor
mit dem Wert #dc0021
zu formatieren.
Beispiel |
Ausgabe |
Erfahren Sie mehr
Weitere Informationen über die Templating-Sprache finden Sie in folgenden Anleitungen.
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Last Updated: 03.01.20